

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big, Big Changes Baby!

 Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and how we are reacting to it that we forget to remember to DREAM. 

I've been living a different kind of life this year. The kind of life that you write stories about. I hope that when I am old & gray I can look back at my life like a great novel that you read over and over but the kind of novel that is filled with adventure, romance, humor and 
lot's and lot's of LOVE! 

I want my story to be filled with sadness. The messy, dirty, mascara smeared tears, kind of sadness because that is the kind that changes you and shows you just how 
strong you really are. 

I want my story to read of the greatest adventures. The kind of adventures that you get lost in and forget where you even are and don't remember how you got there but 
"man this is good"
kind of adventures.

I want there to be oodles of  chapters about friendship. That I was and had the kind of friends that you can call at all hours of the morning when you need them most. The kind of friends that will tell you when you are being a little dramatic and to
"Just Breathe". 
The kind of friends that are there for only a little while because they are exactly what you needed right then. 
The kind of friends that leave a hand-print on your heart 
you are changed for good friendships.

I want there to be pages and pages about family. For the reader to understand what is means to be cut from the same beautiful cloth and the character built and the immense support that you felt your whole life. The kind of family that supports you and encourages you even if they can see you are going to fall flat on your face 
but if you don't try you will always wonder
"What if?". 
The kind of family that has cousins and Aunts and Uncles that feel more like Siblings and Parents than distant relatives. The kind of family that honors each generation and recognizes that the wisdom that is passed down has more value than something read on the internet.

I want my story to tell of my belief in God. The kind of belief that is bigger than any church. The kind of trust and faith that surpasses walls that other people box us into not God. The kind of faith that just "knows" that it will all be okay because there is a bigger hand helping us than we can even comprehend. 
The kind of faith and understanding to know that  when things get too hard you will be "carried" for a little while and that's okay. 
The kind of testament that it's all about the journey not the destination and what you do and who you honor with it is what really matters. 

I want my story to tell the reader about the time when I first experienced true, true "Overwhelming Gratitude". The kind of thankfulness that makes you cry because it's almost too much to handle. The kind of Gratitude that you understand that you have absolutely everything you ever wanted but that it just may not look the way you thought it would. 
That "it's" all right there to see
if you open up your heart to accept it
in whatever way it comes to you.

I want my story to be chalk full of so much LOVE. 
The kind of love that makes you weak in the knees 
so full that you think your heart will burst. 

And I want the cover to read:
"She knew what it meant to LOVE!"

I've done some amazing things this year and shocked myself so many times with just how Brave I was.

I want to tell you sweet friends that my DREAMS are coming true! 

I have opened myself wide open and amazing things are happening because I haven't forgotten to Dream. I have had a secret dream for a very long time. A dream to open a little business but I've been too afraid or didn't love the idea enough or not enough people were interested in whatever I was into at that moment. But all of that was necessary to get to here. 
I was offered the opportunity to participate in an Art Show this summer.
I said "Yes!" and made art...
what has come out of it is "JillyG's" and a new Etsy shop. 
After what I consider to be an overwhelmingly successful show, I felt confident enough to share my Art with the world.
(It's brand new and I only have 3 things listed currently but more to come!) 
I know it will be slow and so much harder than I thought but I LOVE it. 

I Love that I found something that I love to do. 
It matters. Loving what you do matters. 
It changes things so much. 
I never knew this until I did it and now I know.
It all matters.

Here are some pictures of my show but stay tuned until the end of the blog because I have an even bigger announcement dear readers! 


I Did it! 
(With lot's of help from those that love me..) 

Here is the link to my new Etsy shop: 

Don't go yet...I have so much more to tell you!

Just like in all good stories I've saved the BEST for last. 
As you know, My husband and I want to start a family more than anything in the world. 
After suffering a miscarriage in the Spring we thought we could try again...However, God has closed the door for natural conception, for now...
but he has opened wide the door leading us to Adoption.
Yes, y'all!
We've decided to begin the beautiful journey of adoption. It's going to be loooong and hard and crazy and there will be tears of sadness and of great, great joy. 
I guarantee it! But of this I am certain. It will be worth every single second.

The timing of discovering Art and realizing a dream come true in JillyG's could not have come at a better time than this. 
100% of all profits will go towards our adoption fund. Every single piece of art purchased will be helping us get one step closer to bringing a precious baby into our family.
I hope you will consider a piece of art to add to your home or to give to a special friend and know that it will be filled to the brim with LOVE when you get it in your hands. 

Thank you for sticking with me until the end of this BIG, BIG blog post but I hope it was worth the read. Please help me by passing on my Etsy shop to your friends and feel free to tell them of my story.
I hope by sharing so much of me with all of you that you will know that you are all a HUGE part of my story that I will cherish forever. 

This post was written from a heart overflowing with butterflies of nervousness and excitement, so much LOVE & Gratitude it's overwhelming and as always with my own two hands. 

Love you soooo much,


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm a Bird, I'm a Plane, I'm a Sewer?

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA for a little while but I've had a lot going on that I can't wait to tell you about in another post! BUT, that is not what this post is about. This is a post about my oh so hilarious adventures in sewing! I simply must tell you about my latest attempt to sew something wonderful!

It all started so harmlessly when I was babysitting my adorable 3 year old nephew Willard.

We had the BEST day ever together, making play dough from scratch.

I Think we used every Utensil in my Kitchen.

Then that sweet boy asked for a cape. A Cape?! Oh No! I don't have one of those...
Don't worry, Remember that I'm part McGeyver so I can find a "Cape". 
Up to the sewing room we go! 
I quickly find a piece of fabric and we tuck it into his shirt collar and Viola! 
A Cape for this Superhero!

                           Complete with the pirate hat and sword
he brought from home.

I show you all of this because he kept changing his mind about which fabric he wanted to be his "cape" and I had an idea! This boy needed to have a cape with a strip of Velcro for him to choose who he wanted to be. 
So, for his birthday I set out to make this cape I could see in my mind...

Now comes a Sewing Adventure fit for the exciting life of a boy and his cape!

I had some great black fabric that I made the cape out of but before I got to that I had to deal with my very first pattern...Here goes....

So I open it up there are 47 pages that I have to read and then realize after 15 minutes that I really only need one of those pages. I finally figure out that I need to cut out the corresponding letter from the flimsy piece of tissue paper. 

I managed to get it cut out using the pattern and got ready to sew. 

Cut it out and then pinned it to sew together to make a cape. 

I get it all pinned and turned down to sew and begin to finish the edges. 

(This is going pretty well...)

Yeah...Did you notice how it is not staying pinned?! 
This fabric and I were not agreeing!  I kept pinning and it kept slipping. I got it pinned so close together at one point that I ran out of pins! 

After 15 to 20 minutes of frustration I realized...

Sometimes it's all you need!

And I'm back...Refreshed and ready to tackle this mess!

I got the cape finished! And Attach a Velcro strip on the back of it for the cool fabric panels.

I got the fabric panel pinned nice and tight and ready to sew it up.

I realized that I needed to add a ribbon to cover the gather. 

Okay...Notice this picture for a moment if you will. It was the most beautiful straight line attaching a ribbon done with exceptional speed...and then I turned it over and saw this! 


I sewed the fabric to the front of the decorative ribbon?! 

(Insert picture of me rolling my eyes and the sound of the seam ripper.)

Finally get this done and put it together.
But, will it work?

I need a model...

Tigger will do!

I make another panel super quick because a boy needs choices when wearing a cape. 

Finally I can wrap this up and get it to the party just in time.
(which is in 2 hours...)

Finally, I make it to the party and he spots his gift. 
He turns to me and asks if he can open it! 
He uses manners and asks before ripping into his gift!!! 
He's so adorable!

I LOVE IT Aunt Jilly!! 

I asked him to turn around so I could take a picture of the back
and he literally said "CHEESE"!

"I'm a SUPER HERO!" 

He asked if he could wear it to bed! Can he be any cuter?

So that's it. My adventures in sewing continue. 
I am getting better each time I tackle a new project. 
More than anything, I love to see the smile on the face of the person that receives a gift made by hand. 
I swear, it can look terrible up close but you can't help but feel the love from a gift someone made while thinking of you. It just makes you feel loved. 

I have a big announcement to make soon...
(I'm not pregnant but I am going to tell you about a dream realized!)
Stay tuned to see the big news! Betcha can't wait...

As always, My sweet nephew's cape was made with lot's of sweat,
a couple of curse words, lot's and lot's of LOVE and my own two hands!

See ya soon! xoxo JillyG