

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Believe...just believe!

I love to try new things but I am like anyone else. I have to stand on the edge and think about it until that "tingly feeling" builds up and the "flip-flops" inside of my stomach are more than I can take and I finally hear myself scream inside of my head "just do it already!" So here goes...I am standing on the edge of something that scares me so much that I can hardly stand it and yet I am hearing that voice getting louder and louder. So I'll take the first step.

I have decided to create a place where my very crafty friends and I can share with the world what we make. What makes that "tingly feeling" in our stomach happen because we just created something with our own hands. Something that we think is just wonderful and maybe, just maybe someone else will think it's wonderful too. My intention is to share and sell all handmade items. It doesn't matter what it is but it has to be handmade with sweat and love and your very own hands. So here I go on a grand adventure and I feel like my insides will burst with fear and excitement and I am ready to leap off of the edge and see where it leads me! Wish me luck and stay tuned for some amazing handmade items from me and all of the people I love.

1 comment:

  1. You made a wonderful - and the RIGHT - decision. Now go have FUN!!! Jan Fursdon of Fursdon House
