

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"I am Enough, Just as I am."

dear jillian,
  Sometimes when you have been broken in two and you feel like this is the worst thing that could happen
 it's actually not. 
Something worse happens
 you think you may never breathe again 
but then 
your heart takes a deep breath. 

Deeper than you knew you could breathe
 from some place that you weren't even aware of exists
decides to wake up.
 It's time for this place,
                         this strongest place
                                              that chooses to only come out
                                                                                       when you've depleted everything else.

 This place says,

 "I'm here to breathe for you now." 
"I'll hold you up."
  "I'll carry you."
 "I am strong enough because this is what I was created for."
 "It's my turn now and I'm ready." 

And then,




 to that part of you. 

That part that you never knew existed. 
That part becomes all of you and NOW you can do "it". 

From "this place" you find a new appreciation for the beauty of a human soul.

 From "this place" you find a new layer of you that you want to now wear as a fancy hat.

 Belief in yourself,

 is the most wonderful, beautiful, freeing feeling in the whole world.

 It feels like your favorite t-shirt that goes with everything and makes you, "you"!

 Finding "that place" is powerful!

 and knowing I am enough, just as I am,

 is quite enough! 

*This was taken from a journal page that I wrote in July when my husband and I were going through a tough time that effected us greatly. We are stronger having gone through that time. 

But the thing is,
 is that I picked up my journal today to write about another "struggle" and to work it out on paper.
 I opened to this entry on accident and it just


 hit me. 

I am going to struggle in this life
 over and over and over and over again....

Each time, just when I thing it's too much for me to bear,
 I will reach down inside of myself and know that I have exactly what I need 
in "This" moment
because this is how I was created to be and I am not alone. 

i am enough, 
just as i am. 
No more,
No less.